After the Joyce family of Chicago removed the primeval cypress forest from between North Pass and Selsers Canal, they saw fit to donate the remains to the State of Louisiana. From this the LA Wildlife & Fisheries Department created a new Wildlife Management Area (WMA). More than half of this area has managed to re-establish itself in cypress trees, however, in the intervening years the southern parts closer to the passes converted to marsh under the influence of salt water originating, in part, from the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO).
Areas of lovely open marsh seen from the end the Swamp Walk Boardwalk on the far north side of the WMA were made naturally by impoundments of water draining from the uplands and unable to flow to open water. (See “Four Mile Marsh” in the History Section.)
The Swamp Walk Boardwalk was a labor of love by the Agency, local Wildlife & Fisheries Agents and community supporters and is much used by the public due to its proximity to Ponchatoula/Hammond and I-55. It is a welcome way for the public to simply park their car and easily walk into the swamp to see what secrets are inside.
The entrance to the Swamp Walk Boardwalk crosses Canadian National Railroad tracks. The trains that travel through these empty swamps are VERY FAST. One can be deceived into thinking a train is far away as it appears small at first, but it can be on you in seconds. If you aren’t sure, it’s not worth the chance, just stay put and live to enjoy the show.
For more information about the WMA see: